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Innovative New Technology in Your Home

We are recently beginning to see more and more home buyers who are looking for ways to incorporate the newest and most innovative home technologies that can help increase the long-term value of their house but also provide convenience, safety and comfort but how can you best use Innovative New Technology in your home? These days, energy management tops the list of desired features in new homes, according to the results of a consumer preference survey conducted by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). The survey polled more than 2,300 recent and prospective home buyers about the features, products, amenities and layouts preferred in a new home.

In the home technology features category, the number one choice among respondents was energy management at 61 percent. Also ranked highly in this category were multi-zone heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC), lighting controls and home theatres.

Three of the top five most-wanted technology features in the home technology features category— energy management, HVAC and lighting control — also provide energy-efficiency. By incorporating the following technologies, home owners can save money on their utility bills:

Automated HVAC systems can maintain a more energy-efficient temperature while the home owners are away at work, but switch to a more comfortable temperature prior to their arrival home. Zones can also be created to heat or cool only the areas most used by the occupants, keeping other areas, such as guest bedrooms, shut down until they are needed. According to Energy Star, a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy, programmable thermostats can save consumers about $180 per year in energy costs.

Water heaters with a timer can be turned off when the occupants are traveling, then can turn on and begin heating the water in preparation for their return home. Tankless gas water heaters — which only activate when residents start to use hot water and immediately deactivate when they are done — are also a great option and can reduce water heating costs up to 35 percent annually.

Lighting can make up 10 to 20 percent of the total electrical usage of the home. Installing an automatic dimmer, which adjusts to the home owner’s needs based on time of day or occupancy, will lower electricity bills and increase the life expectancy of light bulbs.

Blinds and drapes can be programmed to close during the hottest part of the day to block out the sun; keeping the house cooler. In the colder winter months, they can open up to allow the sun in to warm the house, which helps regulate the room temperature.

By incorporating technologies that help make your home operate more efficiently, Energy Star estimates that homeowners can save $200 to $400 annually on their energy bills.

We are also beginning to see the Internet of Things (IoT) coming more and more into our daily lives, whether you’ve an amazon echo or a google home, we are beginning to see the shoots of smarter, more efficient homes. We in demobags are always on the lookout for the latest technologies that make our customers lives easier and their clients make better use of their space.

We’ve also been watching with great interest the work by major innovators such as Elon Musk’s Tesla home range, which is beginning to change the way we manage energy use in our homes and could make our home’s significantly more efficient.

Do you know of any technologies that are changing the way live, maybe it’s a small lifehack that has significantly improved your home or maybe it’s big technologies that are coming down the road, we’d be excited to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

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